1 large fish head
A citrus fruit juice, water grab
1 turmeric knuckles
A ginger knuckles
8 pieces red onion
3 cloves garlic
2 lb bay leaves
8 wuluh star fruit (star fruit and vegetables)
2 lb lemongrass
6 pieces of red chilli
6 cups water
3 tbsp oil to saute gorneg
salt to taste
1. Clean the fish head. Marinate with lemon juice and salt. Leave pervasive
kl 15 minutes.
2. Turmeric, ginger, onion, garlic and next to some star fruit, sliced masing2
rough. Crushed lemon grass, chili dumped its contents, masing2 split second
3. Heat oil, saute turmeric, ginger, onion, garlic, leaf
greetings and lemongrass.
4. Add water and simmer. Then enter the head of the fish, chili
red, star fruit and vegetables and salt.
5. Continue to cook until water live half and cooked the fish's head.