Resep Soto Ayam Padang Indonesian Food

600 gr of meat
2 fruit deaf
2 pieces cardamom
2 pieces of cloves
1 liter of water
oil to fry

Perebus meat flavor:
2 cloves garlic
1 tsp coriander
1 tsp salt

8 btr onion
5 cloves garlic
3 cm turmeric
2 cm ginger
2 BTG sereh, take the white memarkan
4 lime leaves LBR
LBR 2 bay
salt and pepper

How to create:
Boil the meat in flavor perebus until soft. Lift from the broth, cut thin and fried until restless.
Tumis subtle flavor to enter into a fragrant broth, add the cloves, cardamom, lime leaves, salam leaves, sereh, salt and pepper. Enter the meat back into broth and boil.

Lift and serve with pelengkapnya:
Ø 50 gr soun
Ø meatball
Ø spring onion, sliced thin
Ø lemon
Ø red crackers
Ø sambal goreng