Resep Bumbu Sate Kambing Guling Indonesian Food
1 young goats that are the size of, remove the head, feet, viscera and kulinya.
1 / 4 kg, and coriander mashed disangrai.
1 tsp fine nutmeg seed
1 tbsp pepper powder
1 / 4 kg of garlic mashed
2 tbsp salt
1 bottle of sweet soy sauce
150 gr brown sugar
100 ml cooking oil
250 ml soy sauce UK
Saos Material:
1 / 2 bottle of sweet soy sauce
200 gr onion cut-cut
1 / 2 kg tomatoes cut small boxes
1 / 4 kg of cayenne hijo dirajang
10 orange lime
30 pieces of discarded orange leaf stem thickness (middle) dirajang fine.
How to Make:
Mixed all ingredients into a spice, slosh right up to the average.
Lumuri entire surface of the goats and sheep in the spice mixture until evenly, diamkan for one hour so that the flavor permeate.
Goat roasted on the coals with a distance of 40 cm (distance coals with a goat), while the rest of the ingredients be smeared back to spice up.
Roasted goat-play while playing matangnya so evenly, hidangkan with cut-piece suit taste.
Serve with saos
Mixed all ingredients until saos flat, ready to served with goat guling.