Gulai Gazebo Makanan Khas Bandung Indonesian Food

Gulai Gazebo Makanan Khas Bandung Indonesian Food
750 grams of fatty cut of meat cut -
1500 ml thin coconut milk
100 gram beef Gajih
100 ml cooking oil
Clove 3 seeds
1 sweet stem Wood
3 cardamom seeds and white
2 stem Serai
1 / 2 pieces of turmeric leaves
5 tbsp Bawang goreng
1 tbsp Salt
4 tbsp cooking oil for menumis
Ketupat secukupnya

Mashed the ingredients:
3 buah Cabe merah
4 cloves Bawang putih
4 fruit Onion
1 / 2 tbsp coriander
1 / 2 tsp cumin
1 / 2 tsp aniseed
1 tsp Pepper
2 cm Ginger
2 cm ginger
3 cm Kunyit
3 seed Candlenut

How to create:
Boil the meat with water, cloves, cinnamon, cardamom, interest rate sensitive, orange leaves, Serai, turmeric and salt to 1 / 2 cooked.
Tumis flavor of mashed with oil until fragrant and cooked, insert the stew meat, lower the fire, cooking until everything is soft and the sauce until slightly and curdle.